
Oregon Public Broadcasting

7140 S Macadam Ave

Portland, OR 97219

Phone: 503.244.9900

Go By CarGo By Bus

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Go By Car:

From Portland City Center

South on Naito Parkway Ave. to Macadam Ave./Lake Oswego signs. Follow Macadam Ave. southbound approximately 1 mile (Hwy. 43). Go past OPB (left turn not permitted on Macadam at OPB) and turn right at Taylors Ferry Rd./Lewis & Clark College exit. Then an immediate left at Miles St. and Taylors Ferry Rd. stop sign. Turn left (first left) at traffic light back onto Macadam Ave. Turn right at first traffic light (Nevada St.) to OPB parking area.

From the Sellwood Bridge

West on the Sellwood Bridge, follow City Center sign (Macadam Ave.). Proceed 1/2 mile to Nevada St. traffic light. Turn right to OPB parking area.

From the Ross Island Bridge

West on the Ross Island Bridge, follow City Center sign. Staying in right lane, loop to the right and follow Lake Oswego (Hwy. 43) sign to Macadam Ave. Continue as indicated from Portland City Center.

From Beaverton and Hillsboro

East on US-26 toward Portland. Merge onto I-405 southbound toward The Dalles/Salem. Take exit 1-C toward 6th Ave./US-26 E/Ross Is. Br. Ramp becomes SW Broadway which becomes SW 5th Ave./US-26 E. Turn left onto SW Sheridan St./US-26 E. Turn left onto SW Hood Ave. Keep right at the fork to go on Hwy. 43 southbound. Go past OPB (left turn not permitted on Macadam at OPB) and turn right at Taylors Ferry Rd./Lewis & Clark College exit. Then an immediate left at Miles St. and Taylors Ferry Rd. stop sign. Turn left (first left) at traffic light back onto Macadam Ave. Turn right at first traffic light (Nevada St.) to OPB parking area.

From Vancouver

South on Interstate 5, cross the Marquam Bridge and follow Lake Oswego (Hwy. 43, exit 299A) signs to Macadam Ave. Continue as indicated from Portland City Center.

From Portland International Airport

South on Interstate 205 to I-84 westbound (exit 21B). Take I-84 to I-5 southbound (towards Salem). Cross the Marquam Bridge and follow Lake Oswego (Hwy. 43, exit 299A) signs to Macadam Ave. Continue as indicated from Portland City Center.

From Salem, Corvallis, Eugene

Interstate 5 northbound toward Portland. Take Taylors Ferry Rd. exit 295. Cross the light at Terwilliger Blvd. and proceed downhill. Get in left lane and turn left at traffic light onto Macadam Ave. (Hwy. 43). Turn right at first traffic light (Nevada St.) to OPB parking area.

OPB Parking/Accessibility Information:

During renovation of our main entrance, we have relocated ADA parking and access to the lower level of the parking structure.

ADA Parking in the lower level parking garage: Upon arriving at OPB on Nevada Street (cross street is Macadam Avenue), please continue East on Nevada past the street level parking lots, towards Willamette Park. Turn right at the train tracks and follow signs along the alley that lead to our ADA parking area inside the lower level garage.

From parking garage to the lower level building entrance for ADA access: From the garage, please exit the garage and continue South along the alley towards the lower level (1st Floor - Eastern) entrance of the main building, until you reach the gray double doors. As these doors are locked, an OPB staff member will need to escort you into the building. For your safety, please wait beyond the door clearance markings on the ground, as the doors will open out toward the alley when someone exits the building.

Phone box to reach OPB Staff: Use the phone box on the wall to the right of the lower level entrance (gray double doors) and dial 0 to reach Reception. You may also dial another extension, if one was provided to you. An OPB staff member will greet and escort you into the building and guide you to your destination.

Go By Bus:

OPB is served by TriMet Buses #35 & #36 (stops at Macadam & Nevada), and #43 (stops at Macadam & Virginia). Find your route, ticket information and upcoming bus schedules on

Contact Us By Phone:

503.244.9900 Reception

800.241.8123 Member Center

503.293.1905 Radio

503.293.1907 Volunteer Resources